
2/21/2020 - Trickbot gtag wecan23 Infection

Right out of the gate, the Suricata dashboard is telling us something is amiss.

Let’s pop over to the Discover tab and see what we can ferret out. We’ll apply the alert.signature exists filter and add destination.ip, source.ip, alert.signature, and alert.metadata.tag and, pretty maids, all in a row.

Destination IP Source IP Signature Tag
195[.]123[.]220[.]154 ET CNC Feodo Tracker Reported CnC Server group 12 Banking_Trojan
185[.]65[.]202[.]240 ET CNC Feodo Tracker Reported CnC Server group 8 Banking_Trojan
190[.]214[.]13[.]2 ET CNC Feodo Tracker Reported CnC Server group 11 Banking_Trojan
104[.]20[.]16[.]242 ET POLICY curl User-Agent Outbound -
104[.]20[.]16[.]242 ET POLICY IP Check Domain (icanhazip[.]com in HTTP Host) -

Boom, we found the Trickbot TLS connections, but what about wecan23?

Note: As I dug through this, I found a lot of DNS traffic to blocklists (cbl.abuseat[.]org, barracudacentral[.]org, uceprotect[.]net, etc.). While the victim (or the pcap sampler) seemingly use these lists, I excluded this as it’s not part of the infection.

As we see in the the table above, seems to be infected. So let’s filter in on that IP address in Kibana.

Let’s get rid of our known bad Destination IPs (above), the IP recon domains (icanhazip and, and see what is left over to see if there’s anything else we can find. I’m also going to drop the DNS server out (, while there’s good info there, we’ve got others to look at that might have more. If there’s nothing, we can do a DNS hunt.

Of interest, the connection between and 192[.]3[.]124[.]40 is over port 80, but there’s not a corresponding HTTP Zeek log, so we’ll have to use Docket to carve the PCAP and check it out in Wireshark.

As we can see, the file name is lastimg.png, but the file type metadata has a magic number of MZ, which is a PE binary. Using Export HTTP Objects in Wireshark, we can see there are 2 “png” files called lastimg.png as well as mini.png. We’ll carve those out and statically analyze them.

Using exiftool, we can see some interesting info, mainly that the original file was called 002.exe and that the File Type is Win32 EXE, not an image (truncated).

$ exiftool lastimg.png
File Name                       : lastimg.png
File Type                       : Win32 EXE
File Type Extension             : exe
MIME Type                       : application/octet-stream
Image File Characteristics      : Executable, 32-bit
PE Type                         : PE32
Original File Name              : 002.exe
Product Name                    : 002.exe

Let’s see what VirusTotal knows about these 2 files by searching their MD5 hashes 12EVIL!.

Back to Kibana and see what else is there. As before, let’s get rid of our known bad and all we have left is 203[.]176[.]135[.]102.

Like before, it’s only Connection log stuff, so let’s carve the PCAP between and 203[.]176[.]135[.]102 and see what we find in Wireshark, which appears to be posting host IDs, running processes, usernames, workstation domain, etc. to a server Cowboy.

There was a lot of this kind of data being uploaded; feel free to explore it on your own and…obfuscating all of this data is exhausting.



Until next time, cheers and happy hunting!